Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Problem-Solution Essay: The Garbage Problem in the Philippines (Final)

The Philippines is a beautiful country that unfortunately has a number of important environmental issues which need to be dealt with (Perez, 2011). One of these critical issues is with regard to the mismanagement of garbage and wastes in the country which causes other types of environmental disasters such as flooding, erosion, landslides and other dangers on landfills and dumpsites that include health concerns among the people living nearby (Perez, 2011). Unfortunately, the Philippines has one of the highest amount of solid waste generated in the world yet, still has no sustainable and effective waste disposal facility (Calica, 2009). Given the perennial garbage problems in the Philippines which harm the environment, waste management is indeed a necessary step to resolve and minimize all garbage-related problems in the country.

            In a recent study about the garbage problems in the Philippines, studies revealed that in Metro Manila alone, an estimate of 8,000 tons of solid waste are generated daily. However, only 6,000 tons end up in legal waste facilities while the rest are illegally dumped in private lands, creeks, rivers and at times, are even burned openly (Calica, 2009). What is even more alarming is the fact that the rate of increase in the amount of garbage or waste produced on a daily basis, significantly increases at 40% on the average. Apparently, most landfills and garbage dumpsites filled up very fast. As such, there is a great danger that the country may run out of proper dumpsites and waste facilities that will ultimately lead to further environmental and human hazards (Imagine Echo Projects Waste, 2008)

Some of the local government bodies in the Philippines are currently pursuing the best methods to solve the ever-increasing garbage problem in the country. According to Pavia (2012), some provinces in the country will be pursuing the privatization of their solid waste management efforts in order to diminish the negative effects of garbage mismanagement such as flooding, erosions, landslides and even health problems & dangers on the landfills. On the other hand, the Philippine Congress is also actively prioritizing the creation of new laws and policies intended to strengthen proper waste management practices in the country. In fact, just recently, some lawmakers have already filed a bill which requires Local Government Units (LGUs) to make use of garbage trucks with “onboard compactor” for the proper transportation and collection of solid waste (Castillo, 2012). Basically, the main purpose of this onboard compactor is to compact solid waste while these are in transit and ultimately, reduce the total volume of solid waste and minimize the amount of waste generated in the major cities and localities in the country (Castillo, 2012).

The Philippine government recognizes the fact that there are many possible solutions to address the ever-growing problem on waste generation. Unfortunately, there are also many given constraints to totally eradicate this huge garbage problem in the country. Nevertheless, amidst all the present issues on the perennial garbage problems in the country which constantly harm the environment, it is still important to go back to the basics of waste management as it remains to be a very critical and necessary step in resolving and minimizing all garbage-related problems in the country.

Calica, A. (2009). Villar: Garbage problem now an environmental disaster. Retrieved from http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleid=455885

Castillo, L. (2012). LGUs urged to use garbage trucks with onboard compactor. Retrieved from http://www.congress.gov.ph/press/details.php?pressid=6178

Imagine Echo Projects Waste. (2008). Environmental Problems in the Philippines. Retrieved from http://imagineechoprojectswaste.blogspot.com/

Pavia, J. (2012). Pineda wants garbage management privatized to solve global problem and prevent spread of diseases. Retrieved from http://punto.com.ph/News/Article/14990/Volume-6-No-27/Headlines/Pineda-wants-garbage-management-privatized-br-i-To-solve-global-problem-and-prevent-spread-of-diseases-i

Perez, D. (2011). Waste Management Problems of the Philippines. Retrieved from http://www.spectrumbluesteel.com/blog/2011/07/01/wastemanagement-problems-philippines/

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